We all have big dreams, right? We want to be rich. Especially we want to get rich in a shortcut. We keep asking ourselves the question of how to become a millionaire. For some reason, the first thing that comes to mind is "selling games of chance", which in my opinion is pure hope mongering.
With a short calculation 49x48x47x46x45x44 / 6x5x4x3x3x2)=13983816 in 1, that is, approximately, the odds of winning the Numeric Lotto, in other words, the 6. the probability is 1 in 14 million. In summary, if you have dreams of becoming rich, I would advise you to pursue more realistic dreams.
I wanted to write this article based on a conversation that started on Twitter today. I would like to say that it is important and beautiful to keep our dreams big, but leaving that big dream there all alone can turn it into an unattainable utopia.
Philip II (Philippos; 382 BC - 336 BC), King of Macedonia, who had a method of warfare that became his motto. divide et impera Namely divide and rule If we adopt this understanding for our dreams, it will be easier to achieve our goals.
I know how pretentious the title of this article sounds. In fact, if I came across an ad or article like this, my thoughts would turn to how I could be scammed. But don't worry, I don't expect you to buy a subscription or anything like that. Let's see how likely this is.
If you have not yet read my previous articles on patience, I recommend you to read them as soon as possible. I am sure you will come across something from yourself.
We can take out long-term loans to meet a need, for example to buy a house or a car, right? These loans can be for 3, 5, 7 or even 10 years. So these are tolerable periods for us. Or when we make a real estate investment, we maintain our patience for the appreciation of this investment for years. After adding this to our notes, let's move on to the calculations.
You have 2500 TL in your hand, and you have improved yourself with My Name is Money trainings and now you have learned how to invest. Very good now if you aim to grow your portfolio by 20% per month:
Moon | Portfolio |
1 | ₺2,500.00 |
2 | ₺3,000.00 |
3 | ₺3,600.00 |
4 | ₺4,320.00 |
5 | ₺5,184.00 |
6 | ₺6,220.80 |
7 | ₺7,464.96 |
8 | ₺8,957.95 |
9 | ₺10,749.54 |
10 | ₺12,899.45 |
11 | ₺15,479.34 |
12 | ₺18,575.21 |
13 | ₺22,290.25 |
14 | ₺26,748.30 |
15 | ₺32,097.96 |
16 | ₺38,517.55 |
17 | ₺46,221.06 |
18 | ₺55,465.28 |
19 | ₺66,558.33 |
20 | ₺79,870.00 |
21 | ₺95,844.00 |
22 | ₺115,012.80 |
23 | ₺138,015.36 |
24 | ₺165,618.43 |
25 | ₺198,742.12 |
26 | ₺238,490.54 |
27 | ₺286,188.65 |
28 | ₺343,426.38 |
29 | ₺412,111.66 |
30 | ₺494,533.99 |
31 | ₺593,440.78 |
32 | ₺712,128.94 |
33 | ₺854,554.73 |
34 | ₺1,025,465.68 |
In just 34 months, that is, in less than 3 years, your 2500 TL can become 1 Million. Here is the answer to the question of how do I become a millionaire!
No? Is it too difficult; let's see what the situation is now with 15% growth instead of 20% growth?
Moon | Portfolio |
1 | ₺2,500.00 |
2 | ₺2,875.00 |
3 | ₺3,306.25 |
4 | ₺3,802.19 |
5 | ₺4,372.52 |
6 | ₺5,028.39 |
7 | ₺5,782.65 |
8 | ₺6,650.05 |
9 | ₺7,647.56 |
10 | ₺8,794.69 |
11 | ₺10,113.89 |
12 | ₺11,630.98 |
13 | ₺13,375.63 |
14 | ₺15,381.97 |
15 | ₺17,689.26 |
16 | ₺20,342.65 |
17 | ₺23,394.05 |
18 | ₺26,903.16 |
19 | ₺30,938.63 |
20 | ₺35,579.43 |
21 | ₺40,916.34 |
22 | ₺47,053.80 |
23 | ₺54,111.86 |
24 | ₺62,228.64 |
25 | ₺71,562.94 |
26 | ₺82,297.38 |
27 | ₺94,641.99 |
28 | ₺108,838.29 |
29 | ₺125,164.03 |
30 | ₺143,938.63 |
31 | ₺165,529.43 |
32 | ₺190,358.84 |
33 | ₺218,912.67 |
34 | ₺251,749.57 |
35 | ₺289,512.01 |
36 | ₺332,938.81 |
37 | ₺382,879.63 |
38 | ₺440,311.57 |
39 | ₺506,358.31 |
40 | ₺582,312.06 |
41 | ₺669,658.87 |
42 | ₺770,107.70 |
43 | ₺885,623.85 |
44 | ₺1,018,467.43 |
Now, in just 44 months, less than 4 years, your 2500 TL exceeds 1 million.
Let's make your goal even smaller and grow our portfolio to just 10% per month, which I assure you is not very difficult to achieve thanks to the trainings I am giving you:
Moon | Portfolio |
1 | ₺2,500.00 |
2 | ₺2,750.00 |
3 | ₺3,025.00 |
4 | ₺3,327.50 |
5 | ₺3,660.25 |
6 | ₺4,026.28 |
7 | ₺4,428.90 |
8 | ₺4,871.79 |
9 | ₺5,358.97 |
10 | ₺5,894.87 |
11 | ₺6,484.36 |
12 | ₺7,132.79 |
13 | ₺7,846.07 |
14 | ₺8,630.68 |
15 | ₺9,493.75 |
16 | ₺10,443.12 |
17 | ₺11,487.43 |
18 | ₺12,636.18 |
19 | ₺13,899.79 |
20 | ₺15,289.77 |
21 | ₺16,818.75 |
22 | ₺18,500.62 |
23 | ₺20,350.69 |
24 | ₺22,385.76 |
25 | ₺24,624.33 |
26 | ₺27,086.76 |
27 | ₺29,795.44 |
28 | ₺32,774.99 |
29 | ₺36,052.48 |
30 | ₺39,657.73 |
31 | ₺43,623.51 |
32 | ₺47,985.86 |
33 | ₺52,784.44 |
34 | ₺58,062.89 |
35 | ₺63,869.17 |
36 | ₺70,256.09 |
37 | ₺77,281.70 |
38 | ₺85,009.87 |
39 | ₺93,510.86 |
40 | ₺102,861.94 |
41 | ₺113,148.14 |
42 | ₺124,462.95 |
43 | ₺136,909.25 |
44 | ₺150,600.17 |
45 | ₺165,660.19 |
46 | ₺182,226.21 |
47 | ₺200,448.83 |
48 | ₺220,493.71 |
49 | ₺242,543.08 |
50 | ₺266,797.39 |
51 | ₺293,477.13 |
52 | ₺322,824.85 |
53 | ₺355,107.33 |
54 | ₺390,618.06 |
55 | ₺429,679.87 |
56 | ₺472,647.86 |
57 | ₺519,912.64 |
58 | ₺571,903.91 |
59 | ₺629,094.30 |
60 | ₺692,003.73 |
61 | ₺761,204.10 |
62 | ₺837,324.51 |
63 | ₺921,056.96 |
64 | ₺1,013,162.66 |
Again, in 64 months, i.e. a little more than 5 years, you can increase your 2500 TL to over 1 Million.
Yes, are you still saying that these goals are hard to achieve? Then you may need to revise your dreams. Because even with this kind of planning, if you don't feel confident in yourself and make the same mistakes, don't be satisfied with what you have and lose money in this channel in vain.
You have seen what you can do with such a small amount of savings, with the right strategy, while 10 years is not long enough to pay off your loan debts. Stop asking how can I become a millionaire and take action now.
Thank you very much for another article that changes our perspective.
Is only 1 million earned in 4 years 1 million is not a significant or rich money even for now, the rich's 1-week vacation is 1 million, you earn 10 m dollars in 4 years.